Continuous delivery is all about reducing the risk of releases, to enable software to be deployed to production in small increments, frequently and regularly, sometimes as often as many times per day.
Recently, a colleague and I, presented at the Ellerslie .NET User Group about our journey towards continuous delivery for a client, a large scale ecommerce platform for one of Australasia's largest retailers. The slide decks are below.
This is an ongoing journey for my team as we adopt continuous delivery across all our projects so I will likely blog about it quite a bit more in the months to come. Watch this space.
Last night's presentation was an introduction to CD as well as the experience that the Software Engineering team at Olympic has had so far in adopting continuous delivery for a large scale e-commerce platform.
André Meurer is the Head of Software Engineering at Olympic Software. You can follow him on Twitter, connect with him on LinkedIn or contact him at If you'd like to attend the Ellerslie .Net User Group meet ups then go to